
Muhammadiyah Middle School Once Again Achieved the Highest UNBK Value in Solo

Minggu, 01 September 2019, 16.44 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-09T16:26:51Z
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Muhammadiyah Middle School Once Again Achieved the Highest UNBK Value in Solo   SELAYARPOS.COM ■ Muhammadiyah Middle School Special Program (PK) in Surakarta City, West Surakarta is ranked first in the public and private Computer-Based National Examination (UNBK) in Solo with an average rating of 90.93 out of a total of 4 subjects with 363.70.  Public Relations Muhammadiyah Junior High School Special Program Aryanto said that three years in a row were able to rank first in the national examination results in the city of Surakarta.  "Alhamdulillah, we feel proud of the achievements of the 9th grade students. For this year, based on data we have obtained nationally, we are ranked 29th, at the provincial level in Central Java ranked 7th, and Surakarta City ranks first, "explained Aryanto.  Aryanto also added for an average score of Indonesian Language 91.53, English 91, Mathematics 92.46, and Natural Sciences 88.71. Even 9 students won the highest score in Indonesian with 98.  There are 3 students who score 100 subjects in English, 4 students who score 100 in Mathematics, and 1 student who scores 100 in Science.  Aryanto said that the achievements of the 9th grade students were the result of hard work and work from all elements both from teachers, students, and parents.  For that, he also thanked and the highest respect for the achievement of these achievements.  ■ Pipit

ERAJATENG.COM ■ Muhammadiyah Middle School Special Program (PK) in Surakarta City, West Surakarta is ranked first in the public and private Computer-Based National Examination (UNBK) in Solo with an average rating of 90.93 out of a total of 4 subjects with 363.70.

Public Relations Muhammadiyah Junior High School Special Program Aryanto said that three years in a row were able to rank first in the national examination results in the city of Surakarta.

"Alhamdulillah, we feel proud of the achievements of the 9th grade students. For this year, based on data we have obtained nationally, we are ranked 29th, at the provincial level in Central Java ranked 7th, and Surakarta City ranks first, "explained Aryanto.

Aryanto also added for an average score of Indonesian Language 91.53, English 91, Mathematics 92.46, and Natural Sciences 88.71. Even 9 students won the highest score in Indonesian with 98.

There are 3 students who score 100 subjects in English, 4 students who score 100 in Mathematics, and 1 student who scores 100 in Science.

Aryanto said that the achievements of the 9th grade students were the result of hard work and work from all elements both from teachers, students, and parents.

For that, he also thanked and the highest respect for the achievement of these achievements.

■ Pipit




